

第一份报告从makingstarwars.net是关于电影的恶棍。这个表明恒星亚当司机,Lupita Nyong传闻,大卫Oyelowo是“绝地猎人。”的se are reportedly servants of the Dark Side who, like the Inquisitor on "Star Wars Rebels," travel the galaxy wiping out any Jedi they encounter. (The report speculates that this group may even call themselves "Inquisitors," which implies that "Star Wars Rebels" ties in very closely with the new film trilogy.) These villains could be remnants of Darth Vader's quest to wipe out all surviving Jedi following the Clone Wars. Even though the Emperor is gone, the Sith still has devotees who are trying to resurrect the old order. These Jedi hunters are described as wearing "black and chrome" armor, not entirely unlike Stormtrooper armor, and wielding lightsabers.


这种嘲弄Aintitcool的总结电影的基本情节:“Han Solo的主角的第七集,领导一个星系范围搜索为卢克·天行者。”Harrison Ford's broken leg is no doubt complicating matters, but no one is yet saying how the production plans to handle it. (Couldn't they just write his injury into Han's story?)

下一个报告指的是一个故事情节毗邻“寻找天行者。”This one suggests that John Boyega's character may start out the film as a villain, but when his spaceship is shot down and he crashes on Tatooine, he's rescued by Daisy Ridley's good samaritan. Boyega's story arc in "Episode VII" finds him seeing the error of his ways -- thanks to Ridley's character, who he shares a mutual attraction with -- and defects from the Jedi hunters to eventually become a Jedi hero.


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