

要使用该功能,用户只需去谷歌桌面和类型“发送方向。”They will then need to type the name of the business or the location they want to go to, such as "FedEx, Main Street, Boston." Google will also display location options, and users can simply choose from that. Next, they will need to choose the Android device to send directions to, but if there is only one Android device registered with their Google account, users can skip this step.


新功能通过谷歌宣布自己的Google +页面:



谷歌现在还可以帮助用户方向通过简单地说“好了谷歌,导航到……”If search history for desktop and Android are turned on, and for most people it is turned on, Google will also automatically deliver directions to Google Now. For instance, if a user searches for directions to "FedEx, Main Street, Boston" on Google, Google Now will display a card with directions to that location the next time the user opens the launcher, although it doesn't always happen.


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