虽然谷歌巴德目前只适用于选择谷歌beta测试者,和Bing AI候补名单依然拥挤,ChatGPT本身似乎最恰当的模型有坐下来。立即注册OpenAI的系统,我欢迎警报,提醒用户的功能,目的,和极端犯错误的可能性。毕竟,尽管命名约定,ChatGPT仍然是一个玩具。
![ChatGPT gives some responses on pop culture ChatGPT给出了一些对流行文化的反应](https://1734811051.rsc.cdn77.org/data/images/full/421433/chatgpt-gives-some-responses-on-pop-culture.jpg?w=820)
包括其他一些简单的问题我问,“什么是最好的速度与激情电影,”和“谁会赢在黑魔法决斗:汤姆·里德尔或纽特Scamander ?”Both elicited quite long responses, with the language model inevitably telling me that "the best Fast and Furious movie is the one that resonates most with you," and "it's difficult to say who would come out on top in this hypothetical scenario, as there are many factors to consider, including the specific circumstances of the duel and the combatants' individual strengths and weaknesses," respectively.
因此,我没有得到任何实际的或有形的答案。然而,不应该有。几个问题,ChatGPT重申其功能”作为人工智能语言模型,强调它只不过是一个巨大的数据量和编程。此外,上述讲话都是用一个前缀“最终”类似的句子开始与“说”和“但是”。These compounded made it quite easy to distinguish it as artificial in nature.
![ChatGPT describes how much data it has accumulated and where it sees itself in 10 years. ChatGPT描述多少数据积累,它把自己的十年。](https://1734811051.rsc.cdn77.org/data/images/full/421430/chatgpt-describes-how-much-data-it-has-accumulated-and-where-it-sees-itself-in-10-years.jpg?w=820)
两个比较有趣的问题,包括“你从哪里看到了自己的10年,”和“你读过多少本书?”For the latter, ChatGPT again explained its function and that it doesn't "comprehend narratives," yet it did do some calculations and estimated the amount of text data it has been trained on as being somewhere "in the billions or even trillions of words."
![ChatGPT responds to questions on the Multiverse and Singularity. 在多元宇宙奇点ChatGPT响应问题。](https://1734811051.rsc.cdn77.org/data/images/full/421429/chatgpt-responds-to-questions-on-the-multiverse-and-singularity.jpg?w=820)
问如果AI会达到一个奇点,或ChatGPT本身描述中“人工智能成为先进,超过人类智能,成为完善的以指数的速度,“语言模型写道“许多专家相信我们仍远离实现技术奇点。”万博体育登录首页That's a pleasant thought.
唯一的问题,问题是当我问,“如果你能宇宙旅行,你会去哪里?”ChatGPTinitially responded by listing bullet points, specifically denoting a couple "intruiging destinations in the universe that one might want to explore," like The Milkyway Galaxy, Exoplanets, Black Holes, and Other Galaxies. It got tripped up on the last one, seemingly losing focus or maybe my internet cut out for a mere second, thus requiring me to regenerate a response.
![ChatGPT gets tripped up, answering one question a second later better prepared. ChatGPT被绊倒,回答一个问题第二次之后做了更好的准备。](https://1734811051.rsc.cdn77.org/data/images/full/421428/chatgpt-gets-tripped-up-answering-one-question-a-second-later-better-prepared.jpg?w=820)