根据一项2022年的报告医疗技术行业的安永会计师事务所万博体育登录首页”行业的收入激增2021所有产品扩展类。治疗设备——到目前为止,最大的市场——增长了10%,与五个主要治疗领域(骨科、心血管、牙科、眼科和女性健康)所有收入增加至少16% […]“鉴于医疗技术的收入增长空间在过去的几年中,理所当然,一个创新的公司从这个领域将被世万博体育登录首页界经济论坛。
在一份声明中公布的公司,Xenco医疗创始人兼首席执行官杰森海德尔说,“我们很高兴,这个巨大的荣誉和感谢世界经济论坛认识的深刻影响我们的技术和我们的承诺的unabating富达转变医疗。”万博体育登录首页The California company's growth over the years can likely be attributed to a business model well-suited for an era of healthcare that rewards value-based care and logistical efficiency. Addressing the entire continuum of care, the company has developed and deployed both intraoperative technologies as well as compelling digital health technologies such as its HoloMedX platform. The company's surgical vending machine platform, which was designed to house all of Xenco Medical's sterile-packaged spinal implants and polymer instruments, is representative of the company's tech-powered logistics framework. With real-time tracking of the company's spinal implants and polymer instruments as well as analytics on usage, the innovative surgical device traceability introduced by Xenco Medical has reaped rewards for the company during this value-based period in healthcare.