Brain Implant for Artificial Vision
(Photo : Eren Li from Pexels)

人工视觉for the blind was made possible because of a brain implant that was developed by researchers from Moran Eye Center in Spain, focused on bringing two-dimensional objects to be seen. Restoring vision for the blind is a hard and long procedure that has been the focus of many studies and applications of different solutions made.

None has ever given the cure for blindness or restoring full vision, but some have already brought developments like from Moran.

人工视觉for the Blind

Brain Implant for Artificial Vision
(Photo : Eren Li from Pexels)

According to a report byHealth Care Utah, the Moran Eye Center from Spain has debuted a way on how to make artificial vision wearable, as well as a brain implant that makes this possible. The focus of this feature is the brain implant for humans, and it has been tested on a female adult aged 58 at the time of the experiment.

How Does it Work?

The focus of this implant is to bring synapses to the brain implant that would trigger seeing these two-dimensional objects that are perceived by the wearable tech that a person would need to wear to see.

The research entitled "Visual percepts evoked with an Intracortical 96-channel microelectrode array inserted in human occipital cortex" brings the information regarding the new wearable and implant. The researchers from Spain led by Eduardo Fernandez and others from the Moran Eye Center and other partners shows to explain how the implant helped them bring the perceived objects to be interpreted by the brain.

The device, along with the brain implant, brings a different experience than those that were brought by the previous studies and ventures regarding the cure for blindness.

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Other Ventures to Bring Vision for the Blind

The cure for blindness is a long and winding road, as none can replicate the "human eye" and its make, despite the advanced technology that people have now. Nevertheless, people have been working on ways to createan artificial vision一直是许多研究的焦点和aspirations of scientists for those that have lost their sense of sight.

Features like Google have been giving out applications that would help in bringing analternative and cheap solutionfor blind people using technology, and it is to help them perceive things in a different light. The world's implants are not yet ready for bringing absolute vision like the natural human eye yet, and this is something that a lot has beenworking on for a long time already.

人工视觉for the Blind, like the one that Spain's Moran has brought to the public, is here, and it is currently one of the best solutions there is for people to see things. It may be so that they put it on a person that has lost her vision ages ago, but its research is looking into giving it to those who have been born with the condition, giving them a chance at a new sight.

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Written by Isaiah Richard

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