
1 - 800 -鲜花。COM公司。(NASDAQ: FLWS) continues to raise the bar for corporate gifting with the launch of Hero, powered by SmartGift. It makes it easier for companies of all sizes to build meaningful professional relationships, virtually or in-person, across their organization, client base, and other audiences.

英雄,一个聪明的企业参与和赠送平台设计,开发,和由SmartGift现在集成到动态1 - 800 -鲜花。COM公司企业赠送网站,帮助企业客户创建一个文化的认可,升值,和参与。

这包括获得成千上万的分化礼物选项从整个公司的家庭品牌,包括哈利&大卫®,PersonalizationMall.com®, 1 - 800 - flowers.com®,谢丽尔的饼干®,Wolferman面包店®,当天送货以及address-less航运功能,定制产品,白色手套服务,赠送专业知识等等。

“快速转变到远程工作随着越来越多的机构采用混合策略,扩大了公司需要开发更强大和更有意义的专业与员工和客户的关系,”克里斯·麦肯说,首席执行官,1 - 800 -鲜花。COM公司。”作为我们不断寻求解决更多的业务客户的馈赠和参与需求,与我们合作开发和深度整合SmartGift英雄在我们现有的门户,提供一个engagement-as-a-service提供人力资源专业人士,帮助经理和领导者实现他们的奖励和认可的目标。




1 - 800 -鲜花。COM公司。business customers nationwide, the newly launched Hero platform enables organizations to:

增加接触虚拟或面对面的事件:与新礼物盘功能,1 - 800 -鲜花。COM公司。, business customers now have the ability to send meeting participants a gift to enjoy during, or as a follow up to, conferences, meetings, workshops, and more, through one convenient link.

这个链接,可以在组织的通道选择的共享,包括松弛,微软团队,谷歌满足,变焦,和其他人来说,很容易吸引多个接收者不需要一个物理地址。与礼物盘率先面市,1 - 800 -鲜花。COM公司。is helping organizations make virtual or onsite events even more engaging and collaborative - just in time for the holiday season.


直接通过连接到第三方CRM或人力资源平台或通过上传一个文件到1 - 800 -鲜花。COM公司。corporate gifting portal, organizations can easily identify specific gifting occasions and create rules to help ensure associates and clients feel recognized and appreciated year after year. Once the rule (e.g. "send employee a gift on their work anniversary") is in place, 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. handles the rest.




“1 - 800 -鲜花。COM公司。continues to lead the way in corporate gifting, as they become the first-to-market with our Hero platform," said Monika Kochhar, Founder, and CEO, SmartGift. "Hero combines in-person, hybrid, and remote use-cases while integrating with today's most popular work channels like Slack, Salesforce, Zoom, and more. Already, the results have been tremendous. 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. customers using Hero have experienced significantly higher open rates, employee appreciation rates, and lead generation rates compared to industry standards."

企业客户可以学习更多关于1 - 800 -鲜花。COM公司。is providing engagement-as-a-service to organizations and helping them build meaningful professional relationships by visiting the 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. corporate gifting website here: corporategifts.1800flowers.com/hero.


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标签: 礼物