Google Infringe Sonos Smart Speaker Patents, US Trade Agency Says | Pixel, Google Devices Banned?
(照片:图像从Unsplash网站)Sonos Could be Working on Personal Virtual Assistant and Voice Bot Like Alexa or Google Assist | Survey Suggests

Sonos could potentially be working on their version of a personal virtual assistant and voice bot just like Alexa or Google Assist. The American audio equipment maker known as Sonos is reportedly trying to develop its very own voice assistant that is expected to come as an alternative to the already popular Alexa by Amazon and Google Assist.

Sonos Virtual Assistant 'Hey Sonos'

The new Sonos virtual assistant will work with the company's very own speakers and is also said not to really use the cloud for routing questions and commands. Reports regarding a Sonos virtual assistant actually stem from a particular customer survey which was initially spotted

In the survey, Sonos reportedly describes a certain on-device control system which would help improve the current user privacy by not actually routing questions and commands through the cloud. The company also notes that its own potential new product offering will be using the word "Hey Sonos."Alexa has also popped up on Xboxbut it seems like Sonos is taking a different turn.

Sonos Faster Speeds

The potential new product offering could also allow users to control playback, search through their songs, or even move music to other speakers around by using just their voices. Sonos survey also reportedly claims that the assistant will be able to respond much faster due to it processing everything on the exact same device itself.

The faster response is reportedly possible due to Sonos processing everything within the device itself instead of sending it to a certain server through the internet. Sonos, in a response to the survey, noted toThe Vergethat it actually does not have anything to share as of the moment except from the recently launched survey.

Sonos Buys Snips

According toNews18, reports of Sonos coming up with its very own virtual assistant might not really be as the company had, back in 2019, acquired the AI voice platform known as Snips. Snips is best known for its very own privacy-focused tech doing all processing on the same device.

这听起来很像“潜在的”产品offering that Sonos was talking about and was recently found in the survey. The American audio equipment maker has also been in a previous legal battle against the tech giant Google since the past few years.

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Sonos Wins vs Google

Just recently, a US judge gave a ruling that was in favor of Sonos. The ruling noted that Google actually infringed at least five different patents that came from Sonos that relate to the use of smart speaker technology.

Smart products have been a topic of security for quite some time now.Smart plug users were even previously warnedas hackers were able to infiltrate their homes through the device.

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Written by Urian B.

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