
在上面。人工智能is a new initiative that employs artificial intelligence systems to generate solutions for the performance marketing and computer vision markets, made possible by在上面获得多个AI领导人Pattern89 Datasine, Shotzr。



现在,在上面。人工智能makes its data available on the AWS Data Exchange, empowering organizations and customers — from budding tech startups to longstanding industrial giants — to train their respective computer vision models at scales with improved precision, accelerating the progress of their respective computer vision techs. Additionally, Shutterstock.AI will be lending its resources to help drive Amazon computer vision projects, such as the亚马逊Rekognition——它从媒体文件自动元数据提取系统,简化的使用和添加图片和视频资源。

“客户需要广泛的内容设置和质量元数据来训练计算机视觉和效率模型与信心,“AWS数据交换说,亚马逊网络服务全球业务发展主管克里斯·凯西。”上面。人工智能has one of the largest libraries of assets available in this space with notable variety and metadata. We're excited that AWS customers at every level of machine learning maturity can now innovate using Shutterstock.AI's data on AWS Data Exchange."

在上面,AWS的数据交换合作从上面开始。人工智能offering training datasets to existing AWS customers. These datasets are collections of 3D models and images from Shutterstock.AI library — 400 million visual assets that include their metadata supported by both human and AI reviews. These include sorted datasets across different industry categories, curated to align with some of the most common applications requiring computer vision solutions for ecommerce, automotive, travel and tourism, and electronics.

伤风帕夫洛夫斯基首席执行官斯坦说:“计算机视觉是一个强大的新技术与巨大的增长潜力。”万博体育登录首页He also shares that they're looking forward to teaming up with AWS and together developing solutions that "support companies creating solutions for autonomous vehicles, real-time content moderation, and more," while at the same time, leverage AWS' capabilities to expand the market further.

在上面。人工智能and AWS Data Exchange is looking to continuously expand its dataset selection in response to customer feedback. Shutterstock also looks to deliver additional value to the computer vision market, creating thought leadership for practitioners, conducting further studies, and developing additional products for more computer vision applications.



伤风,Inc . (NYSE:SSTK)是世界领先的提供全方位的解决方案、高品质的媒体内容,和工具所使用的品牌,企业和媒体实体无处不在。直接或通过其各子公司,上面包括发行许可的照片,向量,视频,插图,3 d模型和音乐材料。连同其超过180万的贡献者社区,在上面平台每周增加了成千上万的新材料,其图书馆举办超过3.8亿张图片和2200万多个视频剪辑。




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