A newSonic the Hedgehoggame is coming,Segahas confirmed. Sonic Team chief Takashi Iizuka announced onstage at the SXSW this weekend, though he revealed nothing more beyond the game being in development.

Fans had gone into the panel expecting to see footage of the forthcomingSonic the Hedgehogfilmbut got this surprise instead. That and new footage for a different game,Team Sonic Racing, which is slated to come out this May.

New 'Sonic The Hedgehog' Game On The Way

As Game Rantpointsout, Sega did not discuss a timeline for when gamers can expect the newSonic the Hedgehoggame, but Sega likely will reveal more information at forthcoming gaming-centered events throughout the year, including, at the earliest, E3 this June.

In any case, the announcement fueled fan speculation, with some predicting anything from an Amy Rose-focused title to one that would bring the entireSonic the Hedgehogcast together. But right now, anything beyond the official announcement is pure guesswork. As such, steer clear of rumors at least until Iizuka says something more in the months to come.

Sonic Mania

The last crowd-pleasing title in theSonicfranchise was released not too long ago,Sonic Mania. It set the record as thehighest-ratedSonictitle in 15 years, doing the series' 25th anniversary justice. Both fans and critics praised the game's return to 2D platforming after Sonic's less-beloved adventures in 3D.

Which is all to say that it's interesting to see how Sega would approach this new title. With critical success earned thanks to its return to 2D, would it choose to continue in that direction — and if so, how would the series evolve? It's an intriguing question, and for now fans are left to speculate on how the new game will turn out. Make sure to check back with Tech Times as we learn more.

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