It appearsYouTube并不是唯一一家high-pr达成的协议ofile music publishers. Facebook has agreed to a multi-year licensing agreement with Universal Music Group, which, among other things, would let users add copyrighted music to their videos and upload them without getting a takedown notice.

The deal extends to Facebook-owned entities such as Instagram and Oculus.

Facebook Users Will Soon Be Able To Use Copyrighted Music

In the past, user-uploaded videos containing copyrighted music would promptly get taken down. But with the deal, that won't be the case anymore — provided, of course, the music belongs to Universal Music Groupartists, such as Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Eminem, Lorde, and many others.

That seems to be the sole implementation of the deal for now. But Facebook says it's only the first step. In the future, it plans to work with UMG to introduce "music-based products" on several of its platforms going forward.

"There is a magnetic relationship between music and community building. We are excited to bring that to life on Facebook, Instagram, Oculus and Messenger in partnership with UMG,"saidTamara Hrivnak, Facebook's head of music business development and partnerships. "Music lovers, artists and writers will all be right at home as we open up creativity, connection and innovation through music and video."

Facebook Music Streaming Service Possible?

Perhaps it might even be in the early stages of creating a music streaming service, but that's just pure guesswork on Tech Times's part. However, there's strong evidence that Facebook has bigger plans on integrating music within its platforms. In fact, the company has beenattemptingto strike similar deals with Warner Music Group and Sony Music Group.

Facebook began entering discussions with major music labels in 2015 as it tried to figure out ways on how to integrate music within its platforms. At the time, Facebook said it wasn't planning on introducing a music streaming service akin toSpotifyorApple Music. It's possible that the company's main purpose for now is to let users use copyrighted music in their videos, but the idea of launching its own music service, while highly unlikely, is far from impossible.

Time, as always, will tell.

Facebook is also creating its own Content ID library, which is the identification system YouTube uses to identify music rights holders within its network. With a Content ID system, Facebook will be able to help music publishers manage their copyrighted content on the platform and determine whenever someone uses one of their songs in their video.

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