

游戏被释放窗户2月14日,Xbox和PlayStation 4。是的,情人节。但是批评家们喜欢游戏吗?让我们找出答案。

GameSpot - 8/10


Wakeling引用了新系列的试图引入更多探索游戏的“开放式任务设计,这自然会导致“强调实验。”He is also impressed with the "fluidity" of the game's stealth and action gameplay, praising how it "shifts from stealth to action and then back again."



游戏告密者- - - - - - 7.75/10

布莱恩·谢伊的游戏告密者赞扬狙击精英4“达到目标。”Describing the "thrilling moment in any shooter" of taking out the enemies "before they even know what hit them," Shea concludes that "developer Rebellion has created a well-rounded and empowering sandbox shooter." Aside from the sniping aspect of the game, Shea says he also likes the skirmish gameplay. He says he doesn't "mind getting my hands dirty and taking the fight up close."

尽管动画故障锁等问题,他描述了游戏作为一个“全面的体验,提供在多个领域。”He praises the flexibility of the campaign and multiplayer modes.


IGN - 8.3/10


他集中注意力到游戏的角度而言,地图比例尺和游戏时间。他声称没有完成一个任务在“下一个小时”,这对他来说是“远远超过大多数射击任务。”However, he finds it worthwhile and not dragging because of the create-your-own-path nature of the game.



GamesRadar - 4/5



痘痘也给了一个大拇指AI和“层的细节。”She calls the game "insane" for item collectors and perfectionists. All in all, she calls the game a "murderous theme park you didn't know you needed to visit."


马丁罗宾逊《欧洲提出狙击精英4坚持传统,写“不偏离公式的前身“或使任何“深刻的增加。”But he thinks that move - that is, focusing on the basics - is "all for the best."



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