
API。人工智能is in the business of building tools that makes it easier to interact with bots. Its most prominent technology involves the Assistant app, a pioneering conversational assistant that boasts of 20 million user base.


“API。人工智能has a proven track record for helping developers design, build and continuously improve their conversational interfaces," Google said in a博客.“API。人工智能offers one of the leading conversational user interface platforms and they'll help Google empower developers to continue building great natural language interfaces."

谷歌没有透露它计划如何利用API。人工智万博体育登录首页能技术及其产品。然而,这可能会进一步完善该公司的消息应用程序,如谷歌Allo,该应用程序还具有帮助功能,用户可以询问信息。API。人工智能could ensure that the app's interaction with its users is significantly improved, particularly since it purportedly perfected natural language interfaces.

此外,API。人工智能acquisition could reinforce Google'sDeepMind人工智能项目。例如,该公司最近完成的WaveNet技术使人工智能能够模仿人类的声音,并且万博体育登录首页比现有的文本到语音系统表现得更好。

作为API。人工智能explained, its "platform lets developers seamlessly integrate intelligent voice command systems into their products to create consumer-friendly voice-enabled user interfaces."

另一方面,API。人工智能also seems keen in tapping the expertise and resources of its new owner.

API的Ilya Gelfenbeyn表示:“谷歌将使我们能够加速平台的改进,并以我们一直梦想的方式为不断增长的开发者社区提供服务。”AI首席执行官在官方声明中。

该声明还指出了API。人工智能position with respect to its current customers. It underscores an assurance for these stakeholders that they will be enjoying the same services, which will further be complemented by Google's knowledge, infrastructure and support.

谷歌和API最近的声明。人工智能were not clear whether the latter will still operate independently. There is also no information as to how much Google paid for the acquisition. For some insights, one could turn to the $8.6 million API.AI提高了在最近的筹资活动中。

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